============================ navsoldef.txt ================================== This file defines the columns of data in the navsol.log files produced by the GRID software receiver. Each navsol.log file contains time-stamped navigation solutions that represent the receiver's best estimate of position, velocity, receiver clock error, and receiver clock error rate as calculated from data provided by all participating receiver banks. See channeldef.txt for a definition of ORT. ORT time stamps indicate the time at which the navigation solution applies. ============================================================================= Column Quantity 1 ----------- ORT week number. 2 ----------- ORT whole seconds of week. 3 ----------- ORT fractional second. 4,5,6 ------- X,Y,Z receiver antenna position expressed in meters the ECEF reference frame. 7 ----------- deltR, the receiver clock error expressed in equivalent meters. True GPS time (TGT) is related to deltR by TGT = ORT - deltR/c. 8,9,10 ------ Xdot,Ydot,Zdot receiver antenna velocity relative to the ECEF reference frame expressed in meters per second in the ECEF frame. 11 ---------- deltRdot, the receiver clock error rate expressed in equivalent meters per second. 12 ---------- Flag returned from the navigation solver: 0 SOL_NO_FIX 1 SOL_PRELIMINARY_FIX 2 SOL_STANDARD_FIX 3 SOL_PRECISE_FIX 13 ---------- NISratio: ratio of normalized innovation squared statistic to the total number of measurements. If the estimator is tuned properly, this ratio should be near unity. If it's low (high), then the assumed measurement and/or process noise is too conservative (optimistic). =============================================================================