Portland, OR — Dr. Todd Humphreys chaired an ION GNSS 2011 panel session on “Improving Security of GNSS Receivers.” Dr. Humphreys began the panel with introductory remarks [pptx] noting the increasing trend of spoofing research over the past few years and also presented on practical cryptographic civil GPS signal authentication [pptx]. The panel consisted of five members from industry and academia:
- Logan Scott of LS Consulting presented on “Making the GNSS Environment Hostile to Jammers and Spoofers” [pdf]
- Javad Ashjaee of Javad presented on “GNSS In-Band Interference” [pptx]
- Mark Psiaki of Cornell University presented “Developing Defenses Against Jamming & Spoofing of Civilian GNSS Receivers ” [ppt]
- Felix Kneissl of University FAF Munich presented “Improving Security of GNSS Receivers” [ppt]
- James Farell of VIGIL GPS presented on RAIM [pdf]