
KUT: How GPS Technology Could Help Scientists Build a Holodeck, May 2015

“AUSTIN – If you use your smartphone for directions, you know how annoying it can be when the tracking device gets your locations wrong. Now a team of researchers at the University of Texas’ Cockrell School of Engineering say they may have fixed that problem.  But there’s more: They also think they’ve brought a science […]

KUT: How GPS Technology Could Help Scientists Build a Holodeck, May 2015 Read More »

Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx visits UT Austin, April 2015

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx was hosted by the Radionavigation Lab and other members of WNCG and CTR for a discussion on the future of transportation.  The discussion covered secure perception for autonomous systems and also centimeter-accurate low-cost positioning for intelligent transportation systems and for virtual reality. Read more about Secretary Foxx’s visit in a WNCG article.  

Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx visits UT Austin, April 2015 Read More »

AP: After Alps crash, some experts ponder flights without pilots, April 2015

“NEW YORK (AP) — To improve airline safety, maybe we need to remove the pilots. “That radical idea is decades away, if it ever becomes a reality. But following the intentional crashing of Germanwings Flight 9525 by the co-pilot, a long-running debate over autonomous jets is resurfacing. At the very least, some have suggested allowing

AP: After Alps crash, some experts ponder flights without pilots, April 2015 Read More »

Todd Humphreys Receives NSF CAREER Award, March 2015

Dr. Humphreys has been selected to receive the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award to study “Secure Perception for Autonomous Systems.”   The award was announced in a press release from the Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Department at UT-Austin.   View the NSF’s summary of all the 2015 recipients of the CAREER award.  

Todd Humphreys Receives NSF CAREER Award, March 2015 Read More »

Dr. Humphreys Testifies on Drone Security Issues at Hearing before House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency, March 2015

Dr. Humphreys testified at a hearing of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency, titled “Unmanned Aerial System Threats: Exploring Security Implications and Mitigation Technologies,” on March 18, 2015.  View the oral and written testimony at the website of the Committee.  The full video is accessed from the upper right hand corner of

Dr. Humphreys Testifies on Drone Security Issues at Hearing before House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency, March 2015 Read More »

NBC: Secret Service Testing Drones, How to Disrupt Their Flying, March 2015

“Mysterious, middle-of-the-night drone flights by the U.S. Secret Service during the next several weeks over parts of Washington — usually off-limits as a strict no-fly zone — are part of secret government testing intended to find ways to interfere with rogue drones or knock them out of the sky, The Associated Press has learned. A

NBC: Secret Service Testing Drones, How to Disrupt Their Flying, March 2015 Read More »

IEEE Computer: Noirware, February 2015

“No system or software designer, innovator, or inventor has a perfect record. As with baseball sluggers, a 33 percent success rate with significant projects—delivered on time without errors—probably qualifies you as a superstar. So the act of coming up with a bad idea, or a failed implementation thereof, doesn’t disqualify you from getting kudos.  But there are consumer-level bad ideas and

IEEE Computer: Noirware, February 2015 Read More »