
Todd Humphreys Receives Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, September 2012

Austin, TX—Assistant Professor Todd E. Humphreys has been selected to receive the prestigious 2012 Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award from The University of Texas System. Established in 2008, the awards are offered annually in recognition of faculty members of the nine University of Texas System academic institutions who have demonstrated extraordinary classroom performance and innovation in […]

Todd Humphreys Receives Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, September 2012 Read More »

Aviation Week and Space Technology: Untrustworthy Utility? August 2012

“Ease with which GPS can be spoofed raises concerns about civil UAVs. A video fo a small unmanned heicopter dropping from hover like a stone, its operator unaware control has been hijacked, threatens plans to open civil airspace to UAS (unmanned aerial systems) by exposing the vulnerability of GPS to counterfeit signals, or spoofing.” Continue reading

Aviation Week and Space Technology: Untrustworthy Utility? August 2012 Read More »

EE Times: Expert, lawmakers at odds over GPS security, July 2012

“After testifying before Congress about security vulnerabilities in civil GPS systems last week, Todd Humphreys is convinced the industry needs a new approach to plugging holes in what he calls “the most popular unauthenticated protocol in the world.” “There’s a way to add backward-compatible authentication like digital watermarks to GPS signals, and last week I

EE Times: Expert, lawmakers at odds over GPS security, July 2012 Read More »

Dr. Humphreys Testifies on Drone Spoofing at the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations and Management, July 2012

Washington, DC—Dr. Humphreys testified before the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations and Management on the threat of spoofing the civil GPS signals that guide unmanned aerial vehicles in flight. A copy of the written testimony can be read here.

Dr. Humphreys Testifies on Drone Spoofing at the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations and Management, July 2012 Read More »

Marine Corps Times: School ‘Spoofs’ Drone, Warns of Hijackings, July 2012

“A University of Texas team spent less than $1,000 to construct a GPS “spoofing” device that commandeered an unmanned aerial vehicle and sent it veering off course. After initially demonstrating the concept on campus in Austin, Assistant Professor Todd Humphreys and his team were invited out to White Sands, N.M., on June 19 by skeptical

Marine Corps Times: School ‘Spoofs’ Drone, Warns of Hijackings, July 2012 Read More »

ABC: Drone Aircraft Hijacked by Students in Test; Could Iran Do It?, July 2012

“Graduate students from the University of Texas who hijacked a civilian drone aircraft have demonstrated just how easy it would be to redirect unmanned vehicles—so-called UAVs that someday may do everything from delivering pizza to our doorstep to tracking stolen cars and aiding law enforcement. The hijacking was done over White Sands, New Mexico, at

ABC: Drone Aircraft Hijacked by Students in Test; Could Iran Do It?, July 2012 Read More »

WIRED: Drone Hijacking? That’s Just the Start of GPS Troubles, July 2012

“On the evening of June 19, a group of researchers from the University of Texas successfully hijacked a civilian drone at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico during a test organized by the Department of Homeland Security. The drone, an Adaptive Flight Hornet Mini, was hovering at around 60 feet, locked into a

WIRED: Drone Hijacking? That’s Just the Start of GPS Troubles, July 2012 Read More »

CNN: Student, Professor Explain How They Hijacked Drone Using GPS Signals, July 2012

“By 2015, unmanned drones will be allowed in U.S. airspace, raising many questions about our national security and privacy. What some University of Texas researchers set out to prove was whether it took much effort to hack them. With just $1,000 worth of software, the group was able to successfully hijack a civilian drone. Dr.

CNN: Student, Professor Explain How They Hijacked Drone Using GPS Signals, July 2012 Read More »