October 2024: The RNL’s Dr. Humphreys spoke at the Department of Transportation’s annual Civil GPS Service Interface Committee meeting on America’s susceptibility to GPS jamming and spoofing from space. Specifically, he says “there is every reason to believe China’s BeiDou global navigation satellite system has the ability to imitate American GPS signals and those of Europe’s Galileo.” According to SpaceNews, “unlike many of its adversaries, the United States has made few preparations for such attacks on its homeland and infrastructure, despite mishaps at home that have disrupted air traffic control systems and regular press reports of American weapons systems degraded by jamming and spoofing overseas.”
“While Russia’s GLONASS satnav system is much older and less capable than China’s, the Putin regime seems to be pursuing its own course for being able to deliver knockout blows to GPS, as Moscow threatened it would do in November 2021 if NATO crossed its red line and interfered with the invasion of Ukraine.” For more details on the story, visit the SpaceNews article here.