Portland, OR — Six members of RNL attended ION GNSS 2011 in Portland, Oregon to present research. Four papers were presented:
- Characterization of Receiver Response to a Spoofing Attack
- A Proposed Navigation Message Authentication Implementation for Civil GPS Anti-Spoofing
- Tightly-Coupled Opportunistic Navigation for Deep Urban and Indoor Positioning
- An Evaluation of the Vestigial Signal Defense for Civil GPS Anti-Spoofing
The last paper, which Kyle Wesson presented, won the best presentation award in Session E4: Next Generation GNSS Integrity 1.
At right: Members of RNL are about to enjoy a sushi dinner following the conference. Left to right: Zak Kassas, Daniel Shepard, Todd Humphreys, Jahshan Bhatti, Kyle Wesson, Ken Pesyna, and Ryan Mitch (Cornell).