
The Growing Threat of Electronic Warfare in Civilian Airspace

February 2025: IEEE Spectrum spoke with the RNL’s Dr. Todd Humphreys about spoofing and its effect on civilian aircraft. When asked about examples of GPS spoofing, Dr. Humphreys responded that “in 2017, we began to see spoofing attacks happening in the Black Sea” and that since spoofing has become “more sophisticated and more widespread.” He […]

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RNL’s Zach Clements Wins U.S. D.O.T CARMEN+ UTC Student of The Year Award

January 2025: Zach Clements is currently a PhD student in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin and a member of the Radionavigation Laboratory.  His research interests include statistical signal processing, optimal estimation, and software-defined radio, with an emphasis on GNSS interference detection, classification, and localization from Low Earth Orbit.  Before his graduate

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AST SpaceMobile in Cellphone Satellite communication

November 2024: Some newer companies are exploring direct space-to-phone communication. These include SpaceX and AST SpaceMobile. “Sat phones have long been the gold standard for those needing connectivity in remote conditions. They are expensive to use, with rates normally running to dollars per minute. But they provide coverage in the middle of the ocean, up

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GPS spoofing affecting civilians in the Middle East

September 2024: “Since the start of the Gaza war, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been deploying a tactic known as GPS “spoofing”, designed to fool enemy missiles and rockets that rely on the global positioning system technology to aim at their target” reports the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). Their GPS spoofing has also affected

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Electronic Warfare : A concern for airlines, pilots, and officials

September 2024: As GPS jamming and spoofing continue, pilots, airlines, and officials voice their concerns. The WSJ reports that “[t]he number of flights affected daily has surged from a few dozen in February to more than 1,100 in August,” based on data from SkAI Data Services and Zurich University of Applied Sciences. While officials say

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GPS is under attack

July 2024: As GPS service is threatened by spoofing and jamming, many modern day operations dependent on it are being threatened as well. As reported by the New York Times, in the last year over 60, 000 commercial aircraft have been victims of GPS spoofing. Our dependence on GPS and GNSS in general spans from

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