February 2024: The IATA and EASA have reportedly announced steps to “share information about incidents of GPS tampering and make sure pilots and crew can identify when [GPS spoofing] is happening.” During these events, the aircraft will be required to use backup ground technology systems to navigate. The RNL’s Dr. Humphreys is concerned that, while some planes can switch off GPS when being spoofed, other equipment may make it impossible to switch to backups before it is too late. According to Dr. Humphreys, “commercial aircraft can be collateral damage as conflicts escalate and militaries send false GPS signals to try to intercept drones and other aircraft.” There are many applications that rely heavily on GPS, many of which have not accounted for GPS spoofing. While recent events probes the aviation industry’s response to spoofing, other systems have “yet to be tested,” says Dr. Humphreys. For more, access the WSJ article here, or a transcript here.